
Detail of the Therapy

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and trance is trainable. The client can therefore rest assure that the therapist is incapable of doing, uncovering or exploiting anything the client is not comfortable with. As a level of consciousness is always present the client will simply reject any unwanted suggestions. To ensure that you, the client, receives the maximum benefit from these sessions the client will be required to complete an online intake form prior to booking. The intake form also includes further details about hypnosis. Request the intake form via email or WhatsApp. For sustainable results the three-tier option is recommended.

Consultation Pricing

Please note that a hypnotherapy session is a minimum of an hour and can take as long as three hours

Per session:


Three-tier package:

R2 200

Contact Details

For Call and WhatsApp:

072 238 7832



For serious/fatal medical conditions, complementary healing/medicine should not be the only treatment to be considered.